
Wax 1-1 Owner Alex

WAX-1-1 strives to be an integral part of your self-care journey providing an individualized approach to your unique needs. To ensure a great first time experience, each guest will enjoy a phone consultation with Ali prior to their appointment. This gives our guests the opportunity to express their specific needs and goals, not to mention it’s a great way to break the ice! Comfort and discretion are of the utmost importance at WAX-1-1 and Ali’s proficient technique will set you at ease. 

After thoroughly testing dozens of industry products, WAX-1-1 is proud to offer Mermaid Premuium hard wax . This wax is vegan and hypoallergenic, making it suitable for all skin types but most importantly, gentle enough for those with sensitive skin.

WAX-1-1 is not just another wax studio; we are different because we care about each individual who comes through our door. From beginning to end, you will have Ali’s undivided attention to cater to your personal needs. From facial hair, body hair, ingrown hairs, hyperpigmentation, or anything else, Ali’s got you! Wax-1-1 is dedicated to affirming and boosting confidence while also educating women about proper skin care. Ali wants to help every woman that enters the studio embrace their beauty and have that youthful, glowing skin no matter what. Wax-1-1’s core foundation is the commitment to creating incredible results through providing a quality service and skin care routine for your busy life. This is a safe space for self-care, skin health, confidence building, and loving the skin you’re in. Book now and let us show you why you’ll want to keep coming back!